
More than 30 IDM realisations in the Czech Republic and abroad

AMI Praha Reference Portal of Pražská Plynárenská Distribution

Portal of Pražská Plynárenská Distribution

Pražská plynárenská Distribuce

On 1 January 2011, we handed over the portal for gas traders to Pražská plynárenská – Distribution, a.s. The customer fulfilled its obligations arising from the provisions of Decree No. 365/2009 Coll. on the “Gas Market Rules” through the solution provided by us. We have been managing the implemented solution since 2011.

Project description

In connection with the need for free access to the energy market, namely gas, the requirement of Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. for an electronic access solution arose. The solution we offered was a portal based on Java EE technology – Liferay Portal.

As part of the implementation of this solution, a sophisticated system of communication with third-party traders with scaled access to individual types of their requests was put into operation.

A sophisticated user-friendly help system is used to orient the traders in the portal environment. With the chosen solution, Pražská plynárenská Distribuce, a.s. has joined a close group of energy distributors with a high standard of electronic communication with the outside world.

Solution Description

Since its inception, the portal has been enriched with new features, such as checking the points of purchase, the process of changing suppliers and approving contract amendments. Changes related to legislation are also regularly reflected in the portal.

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