
More than 30 IDM realisations in the Czech Republic and abroad

AMI Praha Reference Module for complex role management and access control module for ZČU in Pilsen

Module for complex role management and access control module for ZČU in Pilsen

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni

The aim of the project was to deliver a module for complex role management in IdM and an access control module – managing the assignment of roles to individual users.

Project goal

The aim of the project was to deliver a module for complex role management in IdM and an access control module – managing the assignment of roles to individual users. On closer analysis of the problem and customer requirements, we concluded that midPoint alone did not meet the requirement for logical NOTs when joining groups and we used an external Grouper tool to manage group membership. By integrating midPoint – Grouper we ensured correct assignment of roles to individual users. By adding Grouper, a high level of flexibility for group management was achieved and all customer requirements were met.

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