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AMI Praha Reference File service compatibility (Oracle UCM)

File service compatibility (Oracle UCM)

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj

Implementation of the Oracle UCM DMS system and its connection to the filing service and data box.

Project description

Implementation of the Oracle UCM DMS system for the Ministry of Regional Development. The system is connected to the Ministry’s filing service and their data boxes. The system is used for unified document management and as a single repository for all documents.

Solution Description

Within the project, an analysis of the current state of affairs was carried out and an implementation proposal was written, according to which the Oracle UCM system and the ePodatelna/ePypravna module were installed and configured. Oracle UCM enables all the management of about 4000 documents per month, their archiving, updating, approval options and dispatching to data boxes.

The project involved a subcontractor, CCA, which has extensive experience in implementing Oracle UCM with other government agencies.

The project would be funded with the support of the EU Integration Operational Programme (IOP) under the title “Compatibility of the File Service”.

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